Saturday, July 20, 2013

Miscellaneous Stuff

Worst name for a restaurant ever (in York):

Cool place near Bridge of Allan. You can see a new bridge made over an older bridge. There is quite a ravine and is much deeper than shown here. When the water rushes though in the spring, they say you can hear the rocks tumbling in the river --hence the name Rumbling Bridge:

Had to take a picture of this. It is in Culross, Scotland and goes to an Abbey.

The ground floor of buildings are the 0 level. So what is the basement? Negative 1 of course:

They had bike storage facilities at the train station in Bridge of Allan including the blue lockers:

Sausage rolls are pretty common. Here is one I tried. It is some type of sausage put in a crust. They put everything in a "pie." Even saw macaroni pie.

Saw these 20 mph signs with a cute saying:

Gayle ordered this. She actually claims it was good.

Driving was always "fun." Here is a typical main road (listen for Gayle's scream):

In Wales, we stayed at a B&B out in a small village on a farm. We took a walk about a mile down the road. I had to laugh at this "neighborhood watch" sign which I saw nailed to a tree several feet off the road:

The reason I laughed is that this is the neighborhood:

At a cafe I ordered a veggie burger. This is what I got. Turns out you have to order it with a bun if you want it that way.

Interesting graphic warning sign:

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