Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lakes District & Beatrix Potter

Heading north from Preston we went through the Lakes District. This is the first lake we came to, Lake Windermere.
Here's another:

This area is where Beatrix Potter lived on a farm. Here's the house:

Here is some of the garden area for the farm. We were told that Beatrix preferred to enter the house by going through the garden.

Here are some fields nearby:

As with everywhere we have been, driving is a challenge:

But the views are worth it.


  1. AH!! you went to beatrix potter's house! jealous. you watched 'miss potter', didn't you? she's pretty awesome.

    everything is so gorgeous!

  2. did you get to go inside her house?? i heard that they've left everything untouched and that her muddy boots are still there in the house! so cool.
