Sunday, March 6, 2016


This past Saturday we were in town doing some errands and met up with a senior couple in the grocery store.  They invited us to Sauniatu that afternoon.  Sauniatu is a village in a church complex given to the members in the area in the early 1900s.  It has a school, homes for the teachers, and a church for the members in the area to attend.  The land was dedicated by David O. McKay.  To get there you need a four wheel drive vehicle as it is deeply rutted and at one point a stream has to be crossed.  It is absolutely gorgeous! 

We drove through the compound and saw the monuments dedicated to Pres. McKay.

Then we parked the car and walked to a waterfall and swimming hole. 
First view

There were quite a few young people swimming and jumping off the sides up high.  After a while we were the only ones there.  It was so quiet and peaceful.  The pool was at least 15 feet deep and it was cool and refreshing. Water was dripping off the sides of the pool up high.

Marc got right in and swam over to the waterfall and it took me a while but I did it as well!  The water was so powerful coming down and was warm in comparison to the pool.

We floated for a while on our backs looking up at the sky through the leafy canopy.
It was an amazing experience

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